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Sacred Sound Healing Workshop

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One-Day Workshop
with Zemirah Jazwierska
Sat., June 19, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.,
Teel Sanctuary, Love offering

Experience renewal and rejuvenation paired with peaceful sound meditation using Alchemy crystal bowls. Learn the basics of sound healing principles and how to use sound in your own spiritual practices at home.

Registration is not required.

Please contact Lisa Berquist at lberquist@milehichurch.org or 720-974-2246 with questions.


Zemirah Jazwierska
Special Focus Minister

Small Group Sign-Up

for Spring Renewal Sunday Series

Connect with our community, focus on the positive, and have meaningful dialogue in a supportive environment.
Small groups are led by licensed practitioners and are limited to ten people per group.

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Prayer Request

Thank you for submitting a prayer request.

We have forwarded your prayer request to one of our Practitioner Prayer Partners who will be praying on your request for the next seven days. 

Please know you are wrapped in the arms of the Divine now and forever more.
