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Power Practices for Healing Online

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This spirited workshop focuses on five energy practices: Movement, Accessing Intuition, Mind Mastery, Tapping, and Quantum Creating to unleash your body’s incredible self-healing power.

To experience true healing, you need more than knowledge; practice is needed.

You’ll discover:

  • why each practice creates whole body healing
  • multiple opportunities to practice each skill in class
  • a guide to practicing that skill during the week

Bringing together science and spirituality in a series of practices, you receive the remarkable experience of unlocking your body’s potential to heal itself.


Kay Johnson
Special Focus Minister

Linda Rengel
Special Focus Minister


Five-Week Online Class
Thurs., Oct. 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, & 19

10 – 11:30 a.m., Love Offering

Prerequisite: None.

Please contact Lisa Berquist at lberquist@milehichurch.org or 720-974-2246 to register.


Online by Zoom. Link to follow after registration.

Small Group Sign-Up

for Spring Renewal Sunday Series

Connect with our community, focus on the positive, and have meaningful dialogue in a supportive environment.
Small groups are led by licensed practitioners and are limited to ten people per group.

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Prayer Request

Thank you for submitting a prayer request.

We have forwarded your prayer request to one of our Practitioner Prayer Partners who will be praying on your request for the next seven days. 

Please know you are wrapped in the arms of the Divine now and forever more.
