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Devotion of the Magdalene with Zemirah Jazwierska

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Devotion of the Magdalene 
with Zemirah Jazwierska

Wed., July 24, 7 – 9 p.m.,
Vogt Auditorium, $25 (price includes fees)

Walk the Labyrinth, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., Community Center



July 22 is known globally as Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day—a day commemorating all that Mary Magdalene symbolizes—devotion to the expansion of universal Christ Consciousness, the miraculous, the mystery, the divine feminine, and the transcendent power of grace.

We will be joining together as a community in reverent mystical practice to honor, uplift, and expand these energies and consciousness within our own hearts to be a part of the expansion of Christ Consciousness and the essence of the Magdalene in the world.

Join Rev. Zemirah and Mile Hi Church practitioners at the altar of roses for a devotional evening of spiritual practice, Taizé–inspired chanting, a visual pilgrimage through the forest of St. Baume where Mary Magdalene is said to have spent her final years in deep contemplation, a guided visualization based on the Gospel of the Beloved Companion, a ritual of milk and honey, and a candlelight anointing ceremony with oils consecrated by our practitioners.


Associate Minister

Zemirah Jazwierska is an ordained minister through the Centers for Spiritual Living and an associate minister at Mile Hi Church, where she is dedicated to interfaith programming. Her passions include building interfaith bridges and community and supporting kids and adults in overcoming anxiety. You can find her on a spiritual pilgrimage in her free time, reading, hiking, spending time with family, or playing her Alchemy crystal bowls.

She was recently inspired to co-create and to facilitate this Devotion of the Magdalene event honoring the divine feminine and the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene, after a pilgrimage through the Languedoc/Occitanic region of Southern France where Mary Magdalene and Jesus’s teachings of love can be deeply embodied and experienced.

Small Group Sign-Up

for Spring Renewal Sunday Series

Connect with our community, focus on the positive, and have meaningful dialogue in a supportive environment.
Small groups are led by licensed practitioners and are limited to ten people per group.

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Please know you are wrapped in the arms of the Divine now and forever more.
