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Art of Coexistence Festival

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If you do not know, the Earth and humanity is in grave danger. It is not something that we can ignore for longer. Continuing to do so will only bring great stress for our children, grandchildren, and the remaining future. Even if we leave our inheritance and assets to our next generation, will it resolve the issues of the Earth which we all share together?

There is one thing for sure that we can all agree on, and it’s that we all depend on this Earth and everything that she provides for us. There are many things that we can do to make it better—we have to come together to make it so. It is no longer just one person or one organization’s responsibility. It is the responsibility of us all.

If you believe that it is up to us to make a conscious shift in this world, then we invite you and your loved ones to this great event of coexistence.

The Art of Coexistence Festival was inspired by a new book of the same name, authored by Ilchi Lee, NY Times best-selling author, and Steve Kim, President of Earth Citizens Organization. It explores active coexistence as a solution to many of the world’s problems and suggests steps we can take to develop the power of coexistence in our own lives, starting with self-care.

This event will showcase many different aspects of coexistence—from coexistence meditation, sustainable living practices, to daily exercise routines for personal health.

We are partnering and hosting this event with Body and Brain in Lakewood, CO, friends who also share the dream and vision of a oneness revealed to all people. No matter your religion, nationality, ethnicity, or status quo, you are welcome to share this time and space together with us as we explore the feeling and ways to create a world of coexistence.

We will have:

  • Community connection
  • Demonstrations
  • Energy training & chakra energy healing
  • Interactive coexistence lecture and meditation with Ilchibuko Todd of Sedona Mago Center
  • A talk by The Art of Coexistence co-author Steve Kim
  • Food, raffle prizes, and more!

Registration is not required but is welcomed! Bring your friends and family and learn how you and your community can truly make a difference for our planet.


Sedona Mago Center 

With over 20 years of experience mastering Qi energy through Brain Education and Sun Tao, senior trainer Ilchibuko offers expert guidance to help people awaken their fullest potential. Ilchibuko is an international speaker and trainer who sees individual awakening and healing as the beginning of Earth healing. She is the president of Sedona Mago Center for Well-being and Retreat.


Earth Citizens Organization 
Executive Director 

As a lifelong practitioner and teacher of mindful living and natural health, Steve Kim serves as the visionary executive director of Earth Citizens Organization (ECO). With ECO, he has organized the Earth Citizen Movement for healthier communities and a sustainable world. He has extensive experience teaching Brain Education (BE) in a variety of settings and he has helped create BE programs for schools and corporations.


Mile Hi Church Prayer & Care Center 
Director, Associate Minister 

Dr. Patty Luckenbach is an associate minister and director of the Prayer & Center at Mile Hi Church and has served as a minister for nearly 40 years. Her life is dedicated to the indigenous belief that we are all a part of the Creator’s expression. She has been an honorary member of the Rosebud Lakota Nation for over thirty years. Patty beholds the compassionate care of the Earth and of each individual regardless of their race or religion. She is also the co-lead of Mile Hi Church Sacred Earth Ministry.




Mile Hi Church
Community Center Plaza

Small Group Sign-Up

for Spring Renewal Sunday Series

Connect with our community, focus on the positive, and have meaningful dialogue in a supportive environment.
Small groups are led by licensed practitioners and are limited to ten people per group.

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Prayer Request

Thank you for submitting a prayer request.

We have forwarded your prayer request to one of our Practitioner Prayer Partners who will be praying on your request for the next seven days. 

Please know you are wrapped in the arms of the Divine now and forever more.
