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Adventure in Faith 2023

Roots and Wings Worksheet

Spiritual living is about finding our roots and transcending perceived obstacles.

Daily Pearl

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Five-Week Sunday Series
with Josh Reeves and Michelle Medrano
Oct. 1 – 29

Spirituality From the Ground Up

Our Spirits are like seeds we place in the soil of the creative mind. This Spirit is our life, but it is more than just that.

It is our vision and hopes, our longings, and our aspirations. This Spirit is our calling and our ancestry—our stories of what was, our affirmations of what is, and our prayers for what can be. For what is within our Spirit to take root and grow, we must first touch the ground.

Spirituality from the ground up means making sure you are creating the best environment, in mind, body, and spirit, to live healthy, whole, and thriving lives. Doing this leads to an experience of giving birth to the best of yourself, letting go of what’s holding you back, and remembering the heart of the Sacred in all you do, with those you love, and in your own reflection.

In this adventure in faith, we ground, root, grow, and fly.

8 & 10 a.m. In-Person
10 a.m. Livestream

American Sign Language Interpretation is available in-person at our 10 a.m. service.

Small Group Workbook 


Sun., Oct. 1

Roots and Wings

with Josh Reeves

Spiritual living is about finding our roots and transcending perceived obstacles.

As you root yourself in the Sacred, clear the brush of your mind, and lay hurts on the table having faith that they can heal, you begin to grow wings. Wings that carry you over of what you might have thought was all there is, to greater and greater realities and ways of being.

Music: Featuring guest artist, Jesse Powers, and the Mile Hi Band



Sun., Oct. 8

In the Garden

with Josh Reeves

Ernest Holmes said of the garden of our souls, “It may be necessary to cultivate your garden, to uproot the weeds and straighten out the rows, planting new seeds—new ideas, broader visions and deeper realizations of life.”

The garden of your soul needs tending so the best fruits of your life can blossom. In tending, you may find much to prune. But you may be surprised to recall seeds of intention planted in the past of what has grown. 

Music: Featuring Thom Lich and the Mile Hi Band



Sun., Oct. 15

Your Tree of Life

with Michelle Medrano

The tree of your life has many branches. Some are overflowing, some need trimming, and others are barren.

As you nurture the ground around the tree of your life giving what it needs to grow, and as you clarify in your mind where you are called to branch out, your tree of life is strong and rooted in sincere faith.

Music: Featuring the Youth Choir, Denise Rosier, and the Mile Hi Band



Sun., Oct. 22

The Mustard Seed

with Josh Reeves

Jesus used the mustard seed as a symbol of faith. The Buddha used it as a symbol of acceptance. One of the greatest things about exploring other faiths isn’t only in how they see things as the same, but the same things from different perspectives.

You can practice the faith of Christ, the discernment of the Buddha, the wisdom of your ancestors, and the wonder of your children. Your faith isn’t a combination of many—it is one faith uplifted by the wisdom of many.

Music: Featuring guest musician April Johannesen, the Mile Hi Choir, Thom Lich, and the Mile Hi Band



Sun., Oct. 29

Joy, No Matter What

with Josh Reeves

Joseph Campbell encouraged us to participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. Living a Spirit-centered life when we hear of other’s suffering, we are called to practice compassion. When suffering is inflicted upon us, we are called to practice forgiveness.

When the mental world of humankind seems flipped up-side-down and shaken sideways that we might seem not to recognize our own reflection, we are called not to go down in the muck with the sensationalists, pundits, and cynics, but to rise to the level of those who are most spiritually awake with a refusal to live from anything but joy.

Music: Featuring Jennifer Burnett and the Mile Hi Band


Having trouble submitting the small group form? Email info@milehichurch.org for assistance.

Small Group Sign-Up

for Spring Renewal Sunday Series

Connect with our community, focus on the positive, and have meaningful dialogue in a supportive environment.
Small groups are led by licensed practitioners and are limited to ten people per group.

Prayer Request

Thank you for submitting a prayer request.

We have forwarded your prayer request to one of our Practitioner Prayer Partners who will be praying on your request for the next seven days. 

Please know you are wrapped in the arms of the Divine now and forever more.
